Penarth Dock, South Wales - 150 years - the heritage and legacy  
Penarth Dock, South Wales - the heritage & legacy . . .


Sources and Credits . . .

The following sources and credits are known for images and text - your assistance and corrections are very welcome - please send me an email to contact us . . .

[140] Barry Dock News - newspaper - weekly - 1889-1919-(1925)
[141] Railway Review - weekly newspaper - National Union of Railway Workers
[142] National Archives - Kew - archive -
[143] Digest of the Judgements into Shipping Casualties-1876-1880-book-Waterlow Bros. & Layton
[144] Mareud - Maritime Research of Uddevalla - website archive -
[145] Rhondda the Story of Coal Community - Mid Glamorgan County Council - booklet
[146] Matt Geldart - images
[147] Llanelli Star - newspaper
[148] New Zealand Herald - newspaper
[149] Steam Locomotive, The - it's failures and how to deal with them - booklet - L & N E R
[150] Wehrley, George - Glebe St., Penarth - photographers
[151] Genuki - Victorian Professional Photographers in Wales 1850 - 1925
[152] RootsWeb - online archive -
[153] Commonwealth War Graves Commission -
[154] West Country Passenger Steamers - G. Farr - book - T. Stephenson & Sons Ltd.
[155] Glamorgan Archives - Archifau Morgannwg - Cardiff - archive
[156] Cardiff and Merthyr Guardian Glamorgan Monmouth and Brecon Gazette - newspaper - Cardiff
[157] Evening Express - newspaper - pub. Cardiff by Walter Alfred Pearce - 1849-1910
[158] Photoship - - web archive
[159] South Wales Star - newspaper

| sources and credits 08 |


150 years of Penarth Dock History and Heritage

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